Send text (SMS) or email to your patients to complete your office forms
and upload their ID and insurance card from wherever they are and whenever it’s convenient.
Send text (SMS) or email to your patients to complete your office forms
and upload their ID and insurance card from wherever they are and whenever it’s convenient.
Your new patients can access your digital forms, patient registration
forms, medical/dental history forms, and all the new patient related
forms, from the link you sent via text or email. They will have a freedom
to complete and submit them at anytime, anywhere, with any device.
Patients can read and sign electronic consent forms and treatment plans directly on a Tablet PC
chair-side or anywhere in the office. Multiple electronic records can be presented and signed at once. Signed documents will be stored immediately
in your Online Form portal.
It will only take a couple of taps for your patients to upload photos
of their IDs such as driver’s license and insurance card taken with
their cellular phone or tablet PC from the link you sent via text or email.
If you have forms you already love to use, don’t worry. We can build and customize
any forms for need even in many different languages. Comfort your patients by presenting forms in their preferred language.
Paper intake forms, clipboards, and pens are at worst unhygienic, and at best a waste of valuable resources. Reduce germs and save money without extra effort.